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 Price list


Please note this price list is to be used as a guide only. Prices may vary depending on the nature of your order, and level of customisation and detail required. 



Price list 1:
Standard Customisation


Prices per Team: (Figures x11)


Standard Kit (2 colours) ............. £7.99
Standard Kit (3 colours) ............. £7.99
Hoops .......................................... £9.99

Stripes ......................................... Â£9.99

Spotty Design ............................. Â£9.99  

Two-Tone Design ....................... £9.99

Diagonal Line Design ................. Â£9.99

V-Shape Design .......................... Â£11.99

Quadrants .................................. Â£11.99




Includes (per player) the choice of skin and hair colour. NB: Boot colours will be painted in varied colours. 


Additional Extras: 


Choice of hair style ................ £0.50 pp

Captain Armband .................. £0.99 pp

Gloves .................................... £0.99 pp

Long sleeves .......................... £0.50 pp

Headband .............................. £0.50 pp

Facial Hair ............................. £0.99 pp

Branded boots ..................... £0.99 pp

Painted Numbers ................. Â£0.50 pp

Wrist Bands .......................... £0.50 pp


(NB: Decals unavailable for this package)


Price list 2​:
Advanced Customisation

Add just Â£10.00 to upgrade to

Advanced Customisation! 




This package includes (per player):


- choice of ANY custom kit design

choice of skin colour 

- choice of hair colour 

- choice of hair style 

- choice of (any) boot colour

- Choice of branded boots  

- Captains arm band x1 

- Facial Hair (optional) 

- Painted numbers (as standard)


Additional Extras: 

(Save up to half-price)* 


Gloves ..................................... Â£0.30 pp

Long sleeves .......................... £0.30 pp

Headband .............................. Â£0.30 pp

Wrist Bands ........................... £0.30 pp

Decal Names ......................... Â£1.99 pt

Decal Numbers ..................... £1.99 pt

Decal Sponsor ....................... Â£1.99 pt

Decal Badge ........................... £1.99 pt

Decal Kit Manufacturer ......... £1.99 pt

Full Decals Package ...... only Â£7.00 pt


*based on standard package extras


Price list 3​:
Ultimate Customisation

Add just Â£15.00 to upgrade to ULTIMATE Customisation! 




This package includes (per player):

- choice of ANY kit design 

choice of skin colour 

- choice of hair colour

- choice of hair style 

- choice of (any) boot colour

- choice of branded boots

- Captains arm band x1 

- Facial Hair (optional)

- Gloves (optional)

- Headbands (optional) 

- Long sleeves (optional)


PLUS Includes Full Decal Package:

- Decal Names

- Decal Sponsor 

- Decal Kit Manufacturer

- Decal Badge 

- Choice of decal colours


Unique Additional Extras*


Adidas stripes on sleeves ..... £4.99 pt

Moulded Hair ........................ £0.99 pp

Others (at request) .................. Â£N/A


*Only available on Ultimate customisation packages



The one-Stop-Subbuteo-Shop© for all your customisation needs! Founded 2008 

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